Can I Have Additional IP Addresses for My VPS Server?

Besides the Main IP, you can add up to 3 additional IPv4 addresses for your VPS server.

While the ordering process, the options for IP addresses are as follows:

1 IPv4 for FREE
2 IPv4 for €4.00 EUR
3 IPv4 for €8.00 EUR
4 IPv4 for €12.00 EUR

If you select 4 IPs, you will receive a total of 4 IPs (1 Main IP and 3 additional IPs).

If you have ordered a server without additional IPs, you need to go to your service page and then choose “Upgrade/Downgrade Options” from the left sidebar.

Follow the screen to choose the quantity of IPs, and you will be redirected to the proforma invoice for additional resources. After payment is received, the additional IPs will be assigned to your server within 24 hours. In general, it takes less time.