Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver the best hosting experience to customers across the globe through our high-valued products and services, global network and outstanding customer care.

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Global Reach

Notably, our global presence spans across 3 continents. We offer worldwide hosting in 20+ regions across Europe, North America and Asia. Time to get global reach with our hosting!

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Long-Term Customer Relationship

In truth, everything we do starts with our customers. This is why, we strive to build long-lasting relationship with our clients through superior global hosting services and strong customer service.

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Trusted Worldwide

Customers and enterprises across the globe rely on VerticHost. This is why, we adapt our hosting solutions to meet the ever-changing customer needs. We constantly expand new locations, as well.

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Diversity of Solutions

Ultimate, we are constantly developing. In particular, we are always creating new hosting product and improving our infrastructure, according to industry trends and customer requirements.

How We Meet Customer Demands

Go above and beyond for you!

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Global Presence

In fact, our data centers facilities across the globe help you reach new markets.

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And, we're proud to deliver top-notch service to exceed your expectations.

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Continuous Improvement

Moreover, we constantly expand, upgrade and improve our products.

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Commitment to Quality

Also, we provide world-class hosting services and superior experience.

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What's more, customers worldwide trust VerticHost to support their business.

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Advanced Security

Not to mention, our network is built with protection in mind.

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Cutting-edge Technology

Likewise, we combine latest technologies, premium hardware with solid network.

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Individual Approach

Above all, we help every client to decide what works best for your needs.

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Deep Experience

Equally, our team of experts will support your business around-the-clock.

What We Stand For

Delivering world-class hosting services and superior customer experience






Customer Focus

Exceptional Service









Passionate About Work

Wow Our Customers

Make a Difference

Be Remarkable

Think Big. Move Fast

All-In-One Hosting Services

We’re extremely proud to provide hosting and other services to customers around the world

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Worldwide Hosting

Above all, we offer hosting, adapted to changing customer needs globally. Reach new markets with worldwide locations!

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VPS Hosting

Moreover, you can choose virtual servers in 20 regions worldwide. Managed and Windows VPS are available, as well.

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Dedicated Servers

Also, you can order dedicated servers in 20 regions worldwide. Custom dedicated servers are available, too.

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Marketing Services

Finally, we deliver full service marketing services, including web design, PPC and SEO for businesses of all sized and types.

Transparent Pricing for Hosting Services

Trust in our EU-based company with clear terms and premium support.

No Hidden Fees

Unlike other companies, we do not charge gateway fees or any other hidden fees. What you see is what you pay.

Transparent Pricing

Our prices are transparently listed on the Plan and Pricing page. We strive to maintain the same price upon renewal.

Fair Exchange Rates

We use fair exchange rates for our pricing. You can find our current exchange rates on the Currency Converter page.

Immediate Invoicing

Our invoices are immediately available for your accounting and records in the client area and are also sent by email in PDF format.

EU-Based Company

We are an EU-based, privately held company with an in-house EU support team. You can trust the quality of our services.

Clear Terms and Policies

All of our terms are transparently published online. You can review them here: Terms of Service, AUP, Privacy Policy, and additional policies.