IPv6 allocation for VPS Hosting

For all VPS Hosting servers, we allocate IPv6 addresses*. Depending on server locations**, IPv6 addresses are allocated from 1 IPv6 to /80 IPv6 subnet.

By default, 1 IPv6 is assigned to the network interface, and you can add additional IPs from the control panel. If this option is not available in your client area, please contact our support team, and they will assign additional IPv6 to your server.

From the control panel, you can assign 2 IPv6 addresses for subnets with a prefix of /128 to /121. For subnets with a prefix of /120 to /80, you can assign up to 50 IPv6 addresses from the control panel.

*For Luxembourg VPS Hosting, IPv6 is not available.

**Additionally, for Singapore, UAE, Spain, Lithuania and Sweden, only 1 IPv6 is allocated. If you require more IPv6 for your server, please contact us.

If you do not need the IPv6 for your server you can safely disable or remove IPv6 on your server. They will remain routed to your server, and if you need them later, you can add them back to the server.