Category: Marketing

  • Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty


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    Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty

    Nothing can be more important for your business than customers. This is why, business owners are always looking for ways to increase customer loyalty, build trust to their brands. It’s extremely importnat not only to attract new customers and grab their attention, but to improve relationships with current customers or subscibers. Oftentimes, companies tend to…

  • Reasons Why Your Ecommerce Store Needs a Blog


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    Reasons Why Your Ecommerce Store Needs a Blog

    Blogging is an important part of online marketing capmaigns for every website, especially ecommerce store. Blogging is the best way to boost your brand awareness, build trust, drives traffic, increase loyalty and generate leads. According to reseaches, small businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than small businesses that do not blog. Morever, over…