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Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

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conversion rate optimization tips

In reality, conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a system for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that convert into customers, or more generally, take any desired action on a webpage. For example, let’s imagine that 1000 people visit your website every month. If 100 of these people buy your product, that your page’s conversion rate will be 10%. In fact, the average ecommerce conversion rate is 2.63%. In case you want to increase your conversion rate, we have collected these useful tips to help you gain a competitive advantage and implement better conversion rates. See our conversion rate optimization tips:

Simple Navigation

In general, vast majority of business owners ignore the importance of website navigation. The faster your customer will find what he needs, the more chances of purchase. It’s essentila to show products, payment methods and delivery details. Furthermore, it will be useful to make navigation easy, especially cart and the checkout page, for secure and fast purchasing. Typically, product pages should include photo, price, quantity, sizes and colors, short description, complete description, technical data, and reviews. For improved convesrion rates, we offer the best hosting, check our VPS hosting.

Providing multiple payments geateways are crucial for enhanced user experience. Do not forget to include credit cards,debit cards, mobile payments, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. For B2B, it’s recommended to incude bank transfer or e-check options. More payment options – better conversion rates. If you are searching for fast hosting for you rwebsite or online stire, explore virtual server hosting services.

Free Shipping

As a matter of fact, shipping can affect your conversation rates significantly. It’s highly recommended to provide free shipping. As can be seen, people abandon their cart because of high shipping rates. Vast majority of customers are looking for online stores with free shipping. When you need the fastest hosting for your landinf page, you can take advantage of our VPS hosting plans.

Page Load Speed

Page load speed matters. When Mozilla increased page speed by 2.2 seconds, Firefox download figures rose by 15.4 percent or 10 million per year! Plus, a one-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. This is why it is extremely important to improve page loading times. In particular, you need to choose a lightweight theme, use a cache plugin, remove unused plugins, optimize the size of images and videos. Besides conversion rate optimization tips, do not not forget about fast hosting. Explore our fast VPS hosting services.

CTA Button and Pricing Tables

CTA buttons are designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale. These days, it’s essential to have a call-to-action on every page. Alternatively, you can use pricing tables with CTA buttons. Do not forget about color and shape of CTA. Moreover, it’s great to place CTA buttions at the top of the website page. In order to increase conversion rates, you can change your pricing from time to time. For example, customers don’t believe that high-quality products can be cheap. Depending on your needs, we deliver a variety of virtual server hosting solutions.

Time and Quantity Limits

Urgency is vital. It will be great to limit time to create a sense of urgency. For example, “Get 60% off all urchases during the next 12 Hours.” At the same time, it would be great to limit the quantity of products. For instanse, ” Be fast, only 1 left!”. Depending on your hosting needs and budget, we deliver a variety of virtual server hosting solutions.

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