Where Is My Control Panel for VPS?

You may access to the control panel from your billing account at https://my.vertichost.com.

Please navigate to the “Services” section in the client area and select your service. Then, select “Open Control Panel”. You will be redirected to your control panel automatically https://cp.vertichost.com.

Please note that for older hosting accounts, the control panel may not be available. Due to the incompatibility of our old hosting platform with our new hosting platform, we cannot connect the control panel for your service or migrate your account to the new platform.

We can activate a new server with a similar configuration for you, including a new IP address, and you will need to migrate your data manually. For your convenience, we can activate the new server for 1 month free of charge. Please contact our Support Team for new server activation if you are interested in migration.

Unfortunately, we do not have an integrated control panel for VPS hosting in the following locations: Singapore, UAE, Greece, Sweden, Ukraine, Moldova, and Lithuania.