Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system, widely used by developers, sysadmins, and tech enthusiasts. Its command-line interface provides exceptional control and flexibility. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, these 60 essential Linux commands for VPS will significantly enhance your efficiency and productivity in the Linux environment.
If you’re interested in learning more, check out our articles on Interesting Facts about Linux, Ubuntu 24 Now Available for Our VPS Hosting, and Free Linux Distributions for VPS Hosting.
1-20: File and Directory Management
1. ls: List files and directories.
2. cd: Change directory.
3. pwd: Print the current working directory.
4. touch: Create an empty file.
5. mkdir: Make a new directory.
6. rmdir: Remove an empty directory.
7. rm: Remove files or directories.
8. cp: Copy files or directories.
9. mv: Move or rename files or directories.
10. cat: Concatenate and display file content.
11. more/less: Paginate file content.
12. head/tail: Display the beginning/end of a file.
13. nano/vim: Text editors for file editing.
14. grep: Search text patterns in files.
15. find: Search for files and directories.
16. chmod: Change file permissions.
17. chown: Change file ownership.
18. tar: Archive files.
19. zip/unzip: Compress and extract files.
20. df/du: Display disk space usage.
21-40: System and Process Management
21. ps: List running processes.
22. top/htop: Monitor system processes.
23. kill: Terminate processes.
24. killall: Terminate processes by name.
25. pkill: Signal processes based on their name.
26. pgrep: List process IDs based on their name.
27. nice: Set process priority.
28. renice: Change priority of running processes.
29. htop: Interactive process viewer.
30. free: Display system memory usage.
31. uptime: Show system uptime.
32. date: Display current date and time.
33. cal: Display calendar.
34. history: Display command history.
35. man: Access manual pages for commands.
36. which/whereis: Locate the binary of a command.
37. ps aux: Display detailed process information.
38. systemctl: Control the system and service manager.
39. journalctl: Query and display messages from the journal.
40. lsblk: List block devices.
41-60: Networking and Connectivity
41. ifconfig/ip: Configure network interfaces.
42. ping: Check network connectivity.
43. traceroute/tracepath: Trace the network path to a host.
44. netstat: Display network connections.
45. ss: Investigate sockets.
46. dig/nslookup: DNS troubleshooting tools.
47. scp: Securely copy files over SSH.
48. ssh: Securely log into remote systems.
49. wget/curl: Download files from the internet.
50. lsof: List open files and processes.
51. route: Show/manipulate IP routing table.
52. iwconfig: Configure wireless network interfaces.
53. nmap: Network exploration tool and security scanner.
54. tcpdump: Network packet analyzer.
55. hostname: Display or set system hostname.
56. iptables: Firewall configuration tool.
57. sshd_config: SSH server configuration file.
58. rsync: Remote file synchronization.
59. whois: Retrieve domain registration information.
60. ufw: Uncomplicated Firewall for managing iptables.
These commands provide a solid foundation for Linux users. By understanding and mastering them, you can efficiently manage files, control processes, and troubleshoot networking issues. If you need Linux VPS hosting, explore our VPS plans.
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